Open Mike
Short-Form Reflections from the side of my personality I like to call “Open Mike”
Tell Someone that they Matter
I know that many of us have a tendency to, every now and then, engage in a little negative self-talk. For me that takes two forms, the first being imposter syndrome. Even though I’ve written eight novels, run my own business, and have the opportunity to chat with very...
Farewell, Roo Roo
I’ve known this day was coming for a very long time—it’s quite rare that golden retrievers live to almost sixteen years of age, though our Reilly has. We adopted her from a rescue service after she had just turned two and she was in every first day of school picture...
The Agony of Da Feet
Ever since I was in high school, I’ve loved running. When my grandmother was dying during my senior year, I used to go on long runs to deal with the grief I was experiencing. I wouldn’t listen to music, I’d just concentrate on my breathing and lose myself in the run....
Funnies from Florida
I just spent a week in Florida visiting my parents and came to the realization that, even though my children are on the cusp of leaving the nest, God doesn’t want my parenting skills to go to waste. My mother, who always had a voracious appetite, eats like a bird and...
Sunday Reflection, Thank You Nicole
It may appear as if I am two days late with this week’s entry, but I have a story about that. You see, I needed it to coincide with today’s episode of Uncorking a Story, which profiles an author named Aileen Weintraub who wrote a memoir about being on bedrest during...
Living in the Moment
Met fans will recount the 1986 season the way some people might recount the day they got married. We had waited so long for a World Series title (maybe not as long as the Red Sox) and this team of misfits (substance abuse was rampant on that roster) pulled it together...
Hold Me Close
When I was out for a run this morning I decided to listen to U2s Songs of Innocence album. On it, there’s a song called Iris (Hold me Close) in which Bono sings about missing his mother and his faith that, even after the “stars go out,” he will see her again. It’s a...
10 Insights from our biggest year
I learned many personal and professional lessons in 2021. I was truly blessed to interview so many amazing storytellers this past year and am forever grateful to all the publicists and producers who introduced me to all of my amazing guests. This was Uncorking a...
Not all gifts were under the tree
Traditionally, all of our Christmas gifts are placed underneath the tree in our family room. Even though our kids are nineteen years old, they insist that gifts not be placed under the tree until after we all retire for the night on Christmas Eve. While I appreciate...
The Little Things
Listen Here or Read BelowNew Release FollowBack in 2017, U2 toured the world performing The Joshua Tree in its entirety to commemorate the 30th anniversary of that iconic album. Really, there’s not a bad song on it and you haven’t lived until you’ve heard Bullet in...
Do the Hustle
About this EpisodeWhile interviewing author Christina Sweeney-Baird about her debut novel The End of Men, I started thinking about how most authors, and other creators in the arts including comics and actors, have to work additional jobs long before they can earn a...
The Tiger Within
In April of 2019, I was in Florida with my kids for their spring break. We stayed where we always stay, with my parents, and that year a special visitor came along—my twin brother Jimmy. I hadn’t really seen much of Jim in the years prior, for a variety of reasons,...
The Lost Art of Letter Writing
About This EpisodePrefer to listen? Click on the play button below.Today I am inspired to share with you one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. It came from my sister and she gave it to me this weekend. It wasn’t for a special occasion; then again, just getting...
Giving 100%
About this EpisodeThis week I sat in on the first of hopefully many episodes of Comedy Roads, an online show featuring interviews with established stand up comedians reflecting on their path to success. It's hosted by the one and only Bob DiBuono. A-Lister Eddie Brill...
The Ruin of Souls Chapter 1: A Coded Message
Mike Carlon Today we are going to switch gears a bit as I'd like to share with you the first chapter of my latest book The Ruin of Souls. Now look, I'm not a professional voiceover artist nor am I an audio engineer, so keep both in mind as you listen in. If you like...
Betting on Yourself
Dave Mezzepelle"Riding bikes and delivering newspapers and then going around the neighborhood washing cars and cutting lawns...I've been an entrepreneur since I was about nine. And I love it and I could not see myself working for somebody else. I just couldn't do it."...
Men and Lifestyle Changes
Why it's so hard for men to make lifestyle changesThis week I held some curiosity conversations with men about weight loss and learned that we are full of contradictions. These contradictions go beyond weight loss though (and make me want to stress eat). Listen in to...
Enjoying the Journey
Shihan Manny EsmeraldoOne thing I have struggled with is remaining in the moment. This reminded me of an interview I did a few years back with Shihan Manny Esmeraldo who shared his thoughts on enjoying the journey. Happy listening!Host & Guest Mike Carlon Shihan...
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