Living in the Moment

Living in the Moment

Met fans will recount the 1986 season the way some people might recount the day they got married. We had waited so long for a World Series title (maybe not as long as the Red Sox) and this team of misfits (substance abuse was rampant on that roster) pulled it together...
Hold Me Close

Hold Me Close

When I was out for a run this morning I decided to listen to U2s Songs of Innocence album. On it, there’s a song called Iris (Hold me Close) in which Bono sings about missing his mother and his faith that, even after the “stars go out,” he will see her again. It’s a...
10 Insights from our biggest year

10 Insights from our biggest year

I learned many personal and professional lessons in 2021. I was truly blessed to interview so many amazing storytellers this past year and am forever grateful to all the publicists and producers who introduced me to all of my amazing guests. This was Uncorking a...
Not all gifts were under the tree

Not all gifts were under the tree

Traditionally, all of our Christmas gifts are placed underneath the tree in our family room. Even though our kids are nineteen years old, they insist that gifts not be placed under the tree until after we all retire for the night on Christmas Eve. While I appreciate...
Do the Hustle

Do the Hustle

About this Episode While interviewing author Christina Sweeney-Baird about her debut novel The End of Men, I started thinking about how most authors, and other creators in the arts including comics and actors, have to work additional jobs long before they can earn a...
The Tiger Within

The Tiger Within

In April of 2019, I was in Florida with my kids for their spring break. We stayed where we always stay, with my parents, and that year a special visitor came along—my twin brother Jimmy. I hadn’t really seen much of Jim in the years prior, for a variety of reasons,...