Curiosity Conversations with Bestselling Authors

Why Not? With Mark Schiff

Why Not? With Mark Schiff

This episode is the result of mistaken identity. Somehow I got it in my head that comedian Mark Schiff was in the room next to my brother’s at Memorial Sloan Kettering. Not only does Mark live in LA and not New York, but he doesn’t have cancer—which would make a...

An Unlikely Felon, with Will Young

An Unlikely Felon, with Will Young

Everything I know about the criminal justice system I learned from Law and Order. Seriously, I’ve watched so much of it I feel as if I have a JD from L&O University! Well, what do you do when the police show up at your door with a search warrant when you know you...

Transforming Grief, with Tracee Dunblazier

Transforming Grief, with Tracee Dunblazier

Though it sounds unintuitive, experiencing grief can be a good thing. All of us suffer losses at various points during our life—it could be the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or even seeing your kids go off to college. Grief often accompanies loss and...

Love Lasts Forever, with Jane L. Rosen

Love Lasts Forever, with Jane L. Rosen

I love it when conversations go to unexpected places and today’s does just that. I didn’t anticipate speaking about the passing of my brother but doing so with today’s guest, author Jane L. Rosen simply felt right given one of the core themes of her latest novel, On...