Open Mike

Short-Form Reflections from the side of my personality I like to call “Open Mike”


The Don of John Knox Village

The Don of John Knox Village

Moving your father into a nursing home is a lot like sending a kid off to college. You set up their bed with fresh sheets, show them where the dining hall is, and pray they don’t come down with a sexually transmitted infection. Thankfully, my father doesn’t have a...

Beyond the Bridge

Beyond the Bridge

Murphy let out a big yawn and closed his eyes. He hadn’t felt like himself these past few weeks and thought a morning nap might do him some good. Daylight savings time had just begun, and he felt that losing an hour of sleep got harder every year. Why not make up for...

The Light We Give

The Light We Give

I don’t think there’s anyone who has ever regretted waking up early to watch the sunrise. I’ve spent the past week in Florida taking care of my father, and the early mornings are pretty much the only time I have to myself. The rest of the day (and night) is divided...

A Mother’s Timeless Love

A Mother’s Timeless Love

Yesterday, I reached a significant milestone in my life—I turned fifty. While I enjoyed spending time with family and friends, there was one person noticeably absent from this momentous occasion: my mother. And so begin the firsts of the firsts. Yesterday actually...

To the Moon and Back, Remembering Arlene Carlon

To the Moon and Back, Remembering Arlene Carlon

Arlene Carlon was born on August 30, 1933, in Brooklyn, NY, to Nicolas and Maria Fuccillo. She attended Notre Dame Academy on Staten Island and earned a degree from Marymount College in New York City. On October 12, 1957, she married the love of her life, Don Carlon,...

Time Stand Still

Time Stand Still

Have you ever experienced a song in such a timely manner that it sends shivers down your spine? Perhaps it's a familiar tune you've listened to countless times, yet in a specific moment, it suddenly resonates with you on a deeper level, offering a newfound...

Why I Ride

Why I Ride

On Saturday, February 8, I will be participating in Cycle for Survival to raise money for rare cancer research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK). Why am I riding? I’m glad you asked! And I will answer that question, I promise. But I’m a writer and we...

If you don’t want to know the answer, don’t ask the question.

If you don’t want to know the answer, don’t ask the question.

Do you know how, in your own mind, you consider yourself younger than you actually are? I do anyway. In my head, I’m still in my early twenties. Well, today I was hit in the face with the reality that I’m no spring chicken anymore.  Most Sunday mornings I join my...

What if the small things are really the big things?

What if the small things are really the big things?

Warning, this post was inspired by a pumpkin. More on that later. As another Thanksgiving weekend wraps up, I’m filled with a wide range of emotions. I was happy to have had the kids home for an extended period of time and now sad that they have all started to head...

What would you do with an extra hour?

What would you do with an extra hour?

Today we were given the gift of an extra hour in our day. If today were yesterday, I’d be writing this at 1:05 in the afternoon. Instead, my fingers are touching the keyboard at 12:05. Last night I jokingly said to my kids, “We gain an extra hour tonight, but we...

Signs, Signs

Signs, Signs

So I got me a pen and a paper And I made up my own little sign I said, "Thank you, Lord, for thinkin' 'bout me I'm alive and doin' fine" The lyrics above are from a song called Signs, written by Les Emmerson of The Five Man Electrical Band. It was repopularized by the...

Bubbles Up

Bubbles Up

We just passed the three month anniversary of my brother’s passing and, to quote the late Jerry Garcia (one of my brother Gregory’s favorites), “I want to know, where does the time go?” How could it have been three months? It’s still so surreal that my brother, my...

Greg Carlon: Simply the Best

Greg Carlon: Simply the Best

On Sunday, I was getting ready to go for a run through Waveny park here in New Canaan when my mother asked me, “Michael, are your shoes tied?” I thought, that is a funny question to ask a 48 year old man, and it stayed in my head as I was starting my run. As I ran...

Help me Help some Kids

Help me Help some Kids

As many of you know, I’m an avid runner which is ironic because, when I was a kid, I hated running. I was slow, it just wasn’t fun, and I avoided it like the plague. Something happened in high school, though. My twin brother Jimmy joined the cross-country team, which...

You Can’t Rush the Sunrise

You Can’t Rush the Sunrise

I’m a morning person. Dracula is more of a morning person compared to most of the people I know, which I suppose is fortunate for me as I can devote the time I’d be chit chatting with other humans to getting some writing done. Some people cannot handle the energy I...

7 Beliefs, with Mike Carlon

7 Beliefs, with Mike Carlon

We have a tradition in my house on Christmas Eve where the five of us head to the family room after dinner and watch The Polar Express. Even though the kids are now twenty, they still want to gather together and watch this uniquely animated film with their parents—if...

Living Life at Slack Tide

Living Life at Slack Tide

The first sign that my emotions weren’t regulating well today was when I started to cry while listening to a Jimmy Buffett song. Seriously, who does that? It wasn’t one of the “songs you know by heart,” which can’t help but put someone in a good mood. Take for example...

Much More than The Entertainer

Much More than The Entertainer

I was invited to speak at a conference in New York this week about lessons I’ve learned while talking with all the wonderful authors I’ve had the honor to interview on Uncorking a Story. One of my clients is also attending this event and let it slip yesterday that...

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