The Joy of Se_ _ _ _ _

Serving – Not Sex. Sorry to excite anyone. ____ I remember as a kid my mother would always volunteer my brother Jimmy and I for various activities. We did everything from painting a rectory’s basement to cleaning a convent. In retrospect, “volunteers” was the...

My God Complex

My mother is Italian and my father is Irish, which of course makes me Catholic. In many ways I am an exception to the rule; many in my generation do not practice the religion in which they were raised. While that may have been true for me during my college years, over...

I am a total bonehead

I am writing this while on vacation with the family in Ft. Lauderdale. As always, our vacation started off with a little drama. Pre 9/11, we traveled to St. Lucia and forgot a birth certificate; luckily we were able to find a sympathetic ticket agent who let us...
Three Hurdles in Front of the Glass

Three Hurdles in Front of the Glass

Its not easy to become a moderator. Its not something you decide to do one day and all of a sudden become successful at it. It takes time, perseverance, and a little luck.  This article summarizes the obstacles I faced when getting into this business and the...