Look up the term Renaissance man in the dictionary, and I’m sure you will see a picture of Kevin A Knight. He started his own company and serves as an independent marketing research consultant to many leading global corporations. He’s also an avid runner and said goodbye to his running shoes as a way to reduce pain in his hip and back. Not only did the pain go away, but he gained wonderful insights while he ran.
Connections in the Raw: Musings of a Barefoot Runner, Kevin chronicles stories and insights from years of barefoot running. He shares his perspective that deep connections exist in our lives between us and the Creator, other people, and with nature, and that we all have access to wisdom that is rewarded to all who will listen.
When he’s not out for a run or working with a client, Kevin spends his time trying to make the world a better place. He is passionate about education reform, specifically in underserved communities. He has sat on the boards of various schools and spends most Friday mornings reading to third- and fourth-graders at a school near his home in Norwalk, Connecticut because he believes nothing keeps one grounded like visiting schools and interacting with young people. He has been a vegetarian for over three decades and loves reading, martial arts, sports, and the theater. He is active in his church where he facilitates a Bible study group and teaches Sunday school.
Kevin is married to his wonderful, giving wife who is a marriage and family therapist, and they have three adult children, who occasionally go for a run with him—wearing shoes.