Who would play Lion-O in a live action adaptation of Thundercats? Today’s guest, Sara Staggs, needed the eye of Thundera to help answer that question, but you didn’t come here for 80’s cartoons, did you?
Sara is an epileptic who had to leave her job as a civil litigator in Portland, Oregon as the lifestyle associated with that career triggered her seizures. As such, she had to close her law practice and bid farewell to that chapter of her life for good but, for Sara, writing was the next frontier. She has contributed to several publications including: Huffington Post, Flash Fiction Magazine, In Parentheses Literary Journal, Five Minute Lit, and Tiny Seed Literary Journal literary journals. She joined me on Uncorking a Story to talk about her debut novel, UNCONTROLLABLE, an inspirational story of a woman whose life is derailed by something out of her control, and how she chooses to face life on its terms, abandoning what she once dreamed she could be.
Key Topics
00:00:00 About Sarah Staggs
00:05:20 From Legal Briefs to Fiction: A Journey of Relearning the Art of Writing
00:08:50 Unlocking the Power of Collaboration: How a Group of Writers Achieved Publishing Success
00:14:59 Blurring the Lines: Exploring the Authenticity of Auto Fiction and the Journey of a Writer
00:16:29 Nostalgic TV Delights: Exploring Sarah’s Favorite Childhood Shows, from Care Bears to Thundercats
00:20:16 Discovering Hidden Potential: A Journey of Self-Discovery Through Writing
00:21:35 Empowering Writers: The Impact of Encouragement and Validation in the Epilepsy Community
Buy Uncontrollable
Bookshop.org: https://bookshop.org/a/54587/9781685132019
Connect With Sara
Website: https://www.sarastaggswrites.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaraStaggs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarastaggswrites/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sara-staggs-28b82925a/
Connect with Mike
Website: https://uncorkingastory.com/
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