I remember the days before our triplets could read and I’d spend at least an hour between the three of them reading stories every night. By the time I got to my son, who always wanted to be last so he could get “more daddy time,” my eyes would be so heavy that I’d fall asleep with a book over my nose (usually it was Harold and the Purple Crayon). Today’s guest, Maya Smart, reminded me of the importance of reading to your kids when they are young (maybe it’s my fault that I have three avid readers!).

Meet Maya Smart:

Maya  is a writer, parent educator, and literacy advocate who has served on the boards of numerous library and literacy organizations.  She joined me on Uncorking a Story to talk about her book, Reading for Our Lives: A Literacy Action Plan from Birth to Six, in which she provides a clear, step-by-step guide to helping your child thrive as a reader and a learner.

Key Topics:

  1. The iconic literary figure she was named after.
  2. The importance of encouragement when learning to read.
  3. Her path from investment banking to writing.
  4. How her daughter inspired her to write Reading for our Lives to fill a gap Maya identified in reading development.
  5. Why it is so important to join writing groups for both personal development and networking purposes.

Buy Reading for Our Lives

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3cfWgK7



Connect with Maya

Website: https://mayasmart.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mayasmarty/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mayasmart

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MayaSmart


Connect with Mike

Website: https://uncorkingastory.com/

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